Advocacy Groups-Research Fund raising
National Pancreas Foundation
The Mission of the National Pancreas Foundation (NPF) is to support the research of diseases of the pancreas and to provide information and humanitarian services to those people who are suffering from such illnesses. The NPF is the only organization that supports original research on pancreatic cancer, acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. The NPF has also been outstanding in its efforts to facilitate travel of young investigators to the major pancreatic research meetings. Patients can find information about diseases, physicians can find literature about major pancreatic diseases, researchers can find grant applications, and DONORS can make direct donations to support important research – all on the NPF Web site! Please visit their web site at
The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) works to focus national attention on the need to find the cure for pancreatic cancer. PanCCAN provide public and professional education that embraces the urgent need for more research, effective treatments, prevention programs, and early detection methods. For information, contact PanCAN:
Phone Toll Free: | (877) 2-PANCAN |
Fax: | (310) 791-5224 |
Office Hours: | Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-5 p.m. PST |
Mailing Address: | P.O. Box 1010, Torrance, CA 90505 |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
Lustgarten Foundation
The mission of The Lustgarten Foundation is to advance the scientific and medical research related to the diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of pancreatic cancer by:
- Increasing funding and support of research into the biological mechanisms and clinicalstrategies related to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract with primary emphasis on adenocarcinoma of the pancreas.
- Facilitating and enhancing the dialog among members of the medical and scientific communities about basic and clinical research efforts that relate to pancreatic cancer.
- Advocating an increase in the annual budget of the National Cancer Institute with emphasis on research related to pancreatic cancer.
- Heightening the public’s awareness of pancreatic cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Providing informational support for pancreatic cancer patients, their families, and friends.
Phone Toll Free: | (866) 789-1000 |
Telephone: | (516) 803-2304 |
Fax: | (516) 803-2303 |
Mailing Address: | The Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research 1111 Stewart Avenue Bethpage, NY 11714 |
Web site: | |
Wayne Fusaro Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund – Pittsburgh
The Wayne Fusaro Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund was started in memory of Wayne Fusaro after his short battle with pancreatic cancer. The WFPCRF has been active for nearly a decade and has raised over $200,000.00 for pancreatic cancer research through golf outings (each July), walkathons (each November) and other events in the Pittsburgh, PA area. Link –
James F Walsh Memorial Golf Outing – Chicago
The James F Walsh Memorial Golf Outing is held on the First Friday in August each hear just west of Chicago. Link –
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